1Kosmos Teams up with Concentrix CyberProtect

While organizations worldwide rethink phishing and ransomware defenses, they face new and evolving threats from AI deepfakes and social engineering attacks targeting weak credentialing practices in user onboarding and account recovery.
Through this partnership 1Kosmos and Concentrix CyberProtect combine expertise to bring innovative solutions for remote identity verification and passwordless MFA to organizations that want to bolster cyber security defenses and enhance resilience.
1Kosmos solutions modernize user onboarding, provide passwordless MFA, and secure account recovery from rogue actors, preventing them from becoming malicious insiders while simultaneously mitigating the threat of phishing and employee account takeover.
Paired with Concentrix CyberProtect managed services to build, deploy and support innovative digital services around the globe, security teams can confidently phase out passwords and truly know who is behind devices interacting with the corporate network.
These transformational capabilities deploy quickly and fundamentally improve the way organizations interact via digital services with employees, contractors and partners throughout the extended supply chain, providing a combination of trust and convenience not before possible. These include:
– Detecting fraudulent and synthetic identity at user onboarding
– Eliminating passwords and 2FA codes, even in restricted environments
– Defeating phishing and SMS attacks leading to compromised employee accounts
– Preventing social engineering attacks targeting the IT Service Desk
To learn more about Concentrix CyberProtect, visit the Concentrix website.