Measure the Adoption of Passwordless Deployments

Use our latest dashboard to quantify the ROI on your passwordless investment for the workforce. Administrators now have the ability to access a concise usage report across the community, providing them with comprehensive data on 

  • Successful Logins: Number of successful logins across all users for any authentication method
  • Unique Logins: Number of active users with at least one login to an application
  • Devices Enrolled: Number of new devices enrolled by users
  • Failed Logins: Number of failed login attempts by all users

Our dashboard visualization shows trend reports for authentication attempts within your enterprise for the last 90 days. 

  • Successful Authentications: Hourly/Daily breakdown of successful authentications, organized by authentication methods
  • Devices Enrolled: Hourly/Daily breakdown of devices enrolled for passwordless login
  • Applications Usage: Percentage breakdown of logins to different applications
  • Failed Logins: Percentage breakdown of reasons for failed login attempts by users