Our Advantage

The 1Kosmos Advantage

1Kosmos is modernizing identity and access management. Our solutions automate identity verification at new account origination and then gives each user a non-phishable passwordless multi-factor credential for convenient authentication into digital services.

This ensures that users creating new accounts are who they claim to be and prevents account takeover at login, simplifying fraud management without adding friction to the user experience of customers, workers and citizens.

Our innovative privacy by design approach also puts users in control of their own personal identifiable information, removing any possibility of unauthorized 3rd party access to their data, and providing IT and Security teams a complete “chain of custody” audit log for all access events.

With 1Kosmos, organizations can tackle their big IAM / CIAM issues:

  • Detect and block synthetic or stolen identities before authentication
  • Eliminate account sharing and transfer to unauthorized 3rd parties
  • Render phishing attacks ineffective
  • Protect against account takeover
  • Improve user satisfaction with their digital experience
  • Accelerate services provisioning with reusable, verified credentials
  • Comply with privacy mandates with user-managed PII
  • Support investigations with an immutable ”chain of custody” audit log

The 1Kosmos platform provides an architectural advantage for managing identity verification and passwordless authentication across diverse environments

In 2022, 4.35M is the global average cost of a breach.3

Stolen or compromised credentials are the most common cause of a data breach – 19%3

1Kosmos provides the only platform certified to FIDO2, NIST 800-63-3, UK-IDATF, and ISO/IEC 30107-3 specifications::

  • Ensures the highest level of digital biometric identity and authentication assurance with superior interoperability
  • Verifies identity to validated government issued documents with built-in defenses against deepfake presentation and injection attacks
  • Provides tailorable web and mobile onboarding journeys with flexible levels of identity assurance tuned to the risk of various use cases
  • Supports passwordless and password-based authentication acrossmultiple environments including Microsoft, Mac, iOS, Linux, Unix and more
  • Provides each user a portable, reusable digital identity wallet that they control via private key and use to manage data sharing with digital services
  • Eliminates centralized “honeypots” of user PII with an architecture centered around a private and permissioned distributed ledger

1Kosmos BlockID Solution

As a cloud-based service, the 1Kosmos BlockID platform deploys in days for the purpose of delivering benefits that are accretive to earnings generally within the first 90 days of operations.

Identity Verification
1Kosmos digitally transforms user onboarding with convenient self-service identity verification. Our identity verification solution can serve as a credential service provider meeting NIST 800-63-3 assurance level 2 (IAL2).

Our #1 rated NIST algorithm for non-bias racial or gender decisioning drives objectivity, equity, and fairness into identification proofing, far outperforming manual, error-prone processes to eliminate identity fraud, reduce operating costs, and minimize compliance risk.

Worker Authentication
The 1Kosmos platform supports a wide range of password and passwordless use cases.

For high assurance login, we use real biometrics backed by verified identity to deliver the highest level of trust and convenience available and give users a modern, elegant digital experience to transform their business.

Customer Authentication
1Kosmos quickly differentiates between users with valid, verifiable identities and imposters hiding behind stolen or synthetic identities.

Tailorable onboarding and authentication experiences give legitimate customers the convenience, speed, and security they want and slam the door shut on fraud to help carve an efficient path to profitable growth.

Credential Service Provider (CSP)
1Kosmos is delivered as a cloud service or as a managed service via a Credential Service Provider (CSP) offering.

Benefits include:

  • Minimize risk of data breach and ransomware from credential compromise
  • Prevent worker / customer / citizen account takeover
  • Reduce administration costs for employee onboarding and provisioning
  • Reduce service desk costs for password resets
  • Improve employee / customer / citizen user experience
  • Accelerate customer time to revenue
  • Minimize online shopping cart drop-off/abandonment
  • Rationalize antiquated 2FA tools and niche physical security systems
  • Deliver flexible levels of identity and access assurance


  • Auto Club Group
  • BlackRock
  • Concentrix
  • Fuji Films
  • Jefferies
  • Kotak Bank
  • Netsmart
  • Salesforce
  • Staples
  • Union Digital
  • Vodafone

Strategic Partners

  • Brite
  • Cognizant
  • Composure
  • Deloitte
  • EY
  • Hitachi
  • IC Consult
  • Infosys
  • Logicalis
  • OneSpan
  • Outseer
  • RSM
  • Simeio
  • Verizon