Pride month is a time when we celebrate the diversity of human identity and recognize the importance of embracing and honoring individuals for who they truly are. It is a reminder that everyone deserves to be seen, respected, and acknowledged, regardless of who they are, where they come from, who they love or how they pray.

Here at 1Kosmos, we believe that individuals should be recognized for who they are in both the physical and digital world. It’s in the way we run the business and in the products we build. That’s why we are so proud of having created a digital identity proofing platform that is fair and inclusive. Unfortunately, this hasn’t always been the case in the digital identity proofing world.

In the past, many identity proofing and authentication systems have excluded individuals by using technology with built-in decisioning bias, relying on AI that may not adequately represent the diversity of the population. This can exclude various segments of the population from accessing services intended for them. This is NOT how 1Kosmos solutions are built! 

Our solutions do not use AI facial recognition, but rather leverage anti-spoofing AI to establish a one-to-one facial match. Our innovative LiveID capability is certified to NIST 800-63-3 and iBeta ISO/IEC 30107-3. In plain language, this short “selfie video” requires facial movements that can be randomized when matching an individual’s realtime likeness to that displayed on a verified credential. The result: the top rated NIST algorithm for non-bias racial and gender decisioning to drive objectivity, equity, and fairness into remote identification proofing benchmarked at 99.6% Target Accept Rate (TAR) and .01% False Accept Rate (FAR).

Unlike traditional methods that fail to recognize the nuances of individual identity by comparing facial characteristics in mass to an AI database, 1Kosmos adopts an innovative approach to identity proofing and authentication based on deterministic verification of an individual to truly identify the user behind a device rather than assuming identity based on how closely they resemble a static, unverified biometric. 

Instead of relying on an external AI database, 1Kosmos utilizes government-issued identification documents and live biometrics to identify and authenticate individuals. At no time is an individual compared to others in a database. Their real, live biometrics and government issued IDs are used to verify their identities digitally, just as they would be verified in person, but without human error.

By employing this approach, 1Kosmos has established the most fair and inclusive identity proofing and authentication system to date. This system recognizes the multifaceted nature of identity and ensures that individuals are not excluded or denied access to digital services based on biased comparisons with AI trained by sample data. 

In addition to promoting fairness and inclusivity, 1Kosmos prioritizes the security and user-friendliness of our identity proofing and passwordless authentication solutions. User data is securely stored on a private and permissioned blockchain, ensuring protection against unauthorized access and data breaches. The double encryption of data adds an extra layer of security to safeguard individuals’ personal information.

1Kosmos recognizes the importance of giving users control over their own personally identifiable information. In an era where data privacy concerns are at the forefront, 1Kosmos allows users sole access and control of their own data. This transparency empowers individuals to have a say in how their personal information is handled and used, instilling trust and confidence in the identity verification process.

As the annual celebration of Pride Month concludes this week, we will continue to advocate for inclusion and equality in our identity proofing and non-phishable multifactor authentication solutions. 1Kosmos is determined to set a new standard, prioritizing fairness, inclusivity, security, and user-friendliness. By embracing this innovative methodology, we take a step towards ensuring a more equitable future where everyone’s identity is recognized and respected – not just those who can afford the latest, expensive handsets.

Overcoming Resistance to Change on the Journey to Passwordless MFA
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