Video Transcript
Rob MacDonald:
Hi, I'm Rob MacDonald, VP of Product Marketing here at 1Kosmos. Welcome to another Unplugged. Today I want to show you how easy it is to reset a credential for a user when they call into a help desk, maybe they're calling in for a credential reset or something else with their account. You don't want to do that without knowing that the user is who they claim to be. So let me show you how easy that is to do with 1Kosmos. Let's get started.

Hi, thanks for calling the 1Kosmos help desk. This is Rob. How can I help you today?

Maureen Trigstead:
Hi, this is Maureen Trigstead, and I'm hoping to reset my password.

Rob MacDonald:
Hey Maureen. Yeah, I can absolutely help you with that. Before we reset a credential though, we go through an identity verification step. So I'm going to collect a little bit of information and send you a text to go through that process. Is that okay with you?

Maureen Trigstead:
Yeah, that sounds good.

Rob MacDonald:
Awesome. Okay, so I'm going to start with your name. You said it was Maureen Trigstead. And as part of the process we scan a government issued document, Maureen. Do you have a driver's license handy?

Maureen Trigstead:
Yes I do.

Rob MacDonald:
Awesome. Okay, so we'll set it up to do your driver's license. I'm going to share a link to you via text to walk you through the process. So I have your phone number here. I'm going to enter that in and send you a text, and then you're going to follow the process to verify your identity. So the text has been sent. Let me know that you receive that.

Maureen Trigstead:
Awesome. Just received the text.

Rob MacDonald:

Maureen Trigstead:
So I'll click the link.

Rob MacDonald:
So click on that link and follow the steps. Yeah.

Maureen Trigstead:
All right, so I'm starting the document scanning process, scanning the front of my driver's license.

Rob MacDonald:

Maureen Trigstead:
And then I'll scan the back.

Rob MacDonald:
And it's going to ask you for a selfie. And that selfie we compare the image we took off the driver's license to your face in the selfie, to make sure they match.

Maureen Trigstead:
All right. Yeah, it looks like it's being checked for authenticity right now.

Rob MacDonald:

Maureen Trigstead:
So it says to return to the other open browser tab.

Rob MacDonald:
Excellent. So that's coming back to me. So let me click here to view your results. Awesome. The verification has passed Maureen, and I can go ahead and continue with the credential reset. So thank you for doing that, and we can reset your password now.

Maureen Trigstead:
Awesome. Thanks so much.

Rob MacDonald:
I may have to change my title to Help Desk Agent as well, but thank you Maureen for helping me out with that. That's how we do credential resets for help desk agents, to ensure that the user is who they claim to be when calling in. We look forward to seeing you again on the next Unplugged. Talk again soon.